Monday 5 March 2012

Ion Concentration

In this class we learned to determine the Ion concentration of compounds which is basically Dissociation.

-Ionic compounds are made up of 2 parts
-cation=positively charged particle
-anion=negatively charged particle
-When ionic compounds are dissolved in water the cation and anion separate from each other which is called dissociation
-When writing dissociation equations the atoms and charges must balance
-The dissociation of Sodium Chloride is:
NaCl (s) > Na+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)

-If the Volume does not change then the concentration of individual ions depends of the balanced coefficients in the dissociation equation.

Determine the ion concentration of a 0.56 M solution of Fe(OH)3
Fe(OH)3 > Fe3+ + 3OH-

0.56mol/L x 1/1= 0.56 M= FE3+
0.56mol/L x 3/1= 1.7M= OH-

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