Tuesday 27 March 2012

Bonding and Electronegativity:

In today's class we learned about different types of bonds and also electronegativity. Electronegativity is just measure of an atom's attraction for electrons in a bond.

Types of bonds:
1. Ionic (metal-non metal)
    -electrons are transfered from metal to non-metal
2. Covalent (non metal- non metal)
    -electrons are shared between non-metals
3. metallic (metal)
    -holds pure metals together by electrostatic attraction

- Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's attraction for electrons in a bond
e.g. Fluorine=4.0, chlorine=3.0, cesium = 0.8
-atoms with greater Electronegativity attract electrons more
-polar covalent bonds form from an unequal sharing of electrons
-non-polar covalent bonds form from an equal sharing

-The type of bond formed can be predicted by looking at the difference in electronegativity of the elements
en>1.7 = ionic bond
en<1.7 = polar covalent bond
en=0 - non polar covalent bond
Hydrogen - Oxygen
3.44-2.20= 1.24 (polar covalent bond)

Carbon - Hydrogen
2.55-2.20=0.35 (polar covalent bond)

Flourine - Potassium
3.98-0.82=3.16 (ionic bond)

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