Sunday, 29 January 2012

Stoichimetry Investigation: Testing Stoichimetric Method Lab

PROBLEM: Does Stoichimetric accurately predict the mass of products produced in chemical reactions?

Balanced equation for the reaction: Sr(NO3)2 + CuSO4 ---> SrSO4 + Cu(NO3)2

  1. Carefully measure about 3.00g of Copper (II) sulphate.
  2. Crush the Copper (II) sulphate into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle.
  3. Dissolve the Copper (II) sulphate in 50mL of water. 
  4. Carefully measure 2.00s of Strontium nitrate and dissolve it in 50mL of water
  5. Slowly pour the two solutions together.
  6. Stir the mixture to complete the reaction.
  7. Write your group name on a piece of filter paper.
  8. Find and record the mass of the filter paper.
  9. Using a funnel and an Erlenmeyer flask, place the filter paper in funnel. Slowly pour the mixture into the funnel.
  10. Pour the filtrate into the waste collection bottle.
  11. Place the filter paper in the drying oven and record the mass when its dry.
*Next class we will check and weigh our filter paper

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