Sunday, 6 November 2011

Hydrate Lab

Todays class we did a Lab on Hydrates. We were split into groups of two or three to complete the lab. The purpose of our Lab was to measure how much water was in the hydrate.

We were first taught to use a Bunsen Burner, and how to hold the test tube above the bunsen burner so that we wouldn't hurt ourselves. Before we put any hydrate into our test tube, it is to be measured on to the scale. Next, we would receive some hydrate and put in about 1cm into our test tube, put it on the scale and measure how many grams it is all in all. We then would hold up the test tube above the Bunsen Burner until all the water evaporates, it is then put back onto the scale and measured.

After we have gotten all the measurements needed, we would have to find it's percent error using the formula:

To know you have done the Lab correctly, your percent error should've ranged somewhere below 10%

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