Saturday, 10 September 2011

Lab Prep! Rules and Safety in the Laboratory 101

Today for class, Mr Doktor explained to us various Safety procedures when doing an experiment in the laboratory. He made us get into groups and create our own "Top 10 Safety Rules" to help create an official safety list for the class. During the class he also showed us a video which enlightened us how not applying safety precautions during experiments can lead to dangerous or even deadly consequences. So overall, in today's class we learned that we should learn the proper safety precautions in a lab to ensure our safety and others as well.

An example of a Top 10 Science Safety that was made:
1. Wear lab coats and safety goggles
2. No horseplay (running)
3. No touching, tasting, directly smelling chemicals
4. Listen to everything Mr. Doktor says
6. No eating during lab experiments
7. Raad labels before using chemicals
8. Don't leave an experiment unattended (especially Bunsen Burners)
9. Use the appropriate procedures in an emergency
10. Alert Mr. Doktor if anyone is hurt or if something breaks

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