Monday 30 April 2012

Aldehydes, Carboxylic Acids

In Today's class we learned about Aldehydes and Carboxylic Acids. Aldehydes are basically a double bonded oxygen at the end of a chain and Carboxylic Acids are formed the with a double bonded oxygen and an alchohol on the same carbon.

  • Double bonded oxygen at the end of a chain
  • Follow the standard naming rules and change the parent chain ending to AL.
(be careful when naming aldehydes and alchohols.)

(2 bromo heptanal)


Carboxylic Acids:
  • Follow standard naming rules but change the parent chain ending to -oic acid
(Methanoic Acid)

(Trichloro methanoic acid)

(4 methylbenzoic acid)

Thursday 19 April 2012

Alicycles and Aromatics!

- Carbon chains can form two types of closed loops
- Alicyclics are loops usually made with single bonds
- Cyclo- is added in front of the parent chain. If a parent chain is a loop standard naming rules apply.

- Here are two ways to draw a cyclic.
Line Diagram
Condensed Structural Diagram

- Numbering can start anywhere and go Clockwise or Counterclockwise on the loop but side chain numbers must be the lowest possible.
1,3,5 trimethyl cyclohexane

- Loops can also be a side chain
- Some rules apply but the side chain is given a cyclo- prefix
2 cyclopropyl 2 pentene

- Benzene (C6H6) is a cyclic hydrocarbon. (Careful analysis shows that all C-C bonds are identical and really represent a 1.5 bond.

Examples of Benzene:

Aromatic Nomenclature
- Abenzene molecule is given a special diagram to show its unique bond structure
- Benzene can be a parent chain or a side chain.
- As a side chain it is given the name "Phenyl"

1,2,3,4,5 pentamethyl benzene

1 bromo 4 phenyl butane

Monday 16 April 2012

Alkenes and Alkynes: Double and Triple Bonds


                                       Alkenes and Alkynes: Double and Triple Bonds

          Today in chemistry class, we learned about double and triple bonds with Carbon atoms.

  1. Carbon can form double and triple bonds with Carbon atoms. When multiple bonds form, fewer Hydrogens are attached to the carbon atom. Naming rules are almost the same as with alkanes.

  • The position of the double/triple bonds always has the lowest number and is put in front of the parent chain.
  • Double bonds (Alkenes) end in -ene. Triple bonds (Alkynes) end in -yne.






What is the name of this alkene?

What is the name of this alkyne?

Multiple Double Bonds:

More than one double bond can exist in a molecule. Use the same multipliers inside the parent chain.

Trans and Cis Butene:

If two adjacent carbons are bonded by a double bond and have side chains on them two possible compounds are possible.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Organic Chemistry

In today's class we learned about the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry which is the study of Carbon Compounds. Carbon can form multiple covalent bonds and can run like chains, rings or branches. There are less than 100,000 non organic compounds but over 17 million organic compounds. The simplest of the organic compounds are made of carbon and hydrogen. (refer to diagram below). Saturated compounds have no double or triple bonds. The compounds with only single bonds are called ALKANES and always end in ANE.


  • There are 3 categories of Organic Compounds
  1.  Straight Chains
  2. Cyclic Chains
  3. Aromatics
Straight Chains:
These are the steps you need to follow when naming straight chain compounds:
1. Circle the longest continous chain and name this as the base chain
 e.g. meth, eth, prop, but (meth-1, eth-2, prop-3, but-4, pent-5, hex-6, hept-7, oct-8, non-9 dec-10)
2. Number the base chain so the side chain have the lowest possible numbers
3. Name each side chain using the -yl ending
4. Give each side chain the appropriate number

5. List Side chains alphabetically
(2,2 dimethyl butane)

(3 methyl pentane)

(2,8 dimethyl decane)

Monday 9 April 2012

Lab: Polar and Non-Polar Solvents

Polar and Non-Polar Solvents Lab

The objective of the was to determine if Glycerin is a polar or non-polar.

The materials we used for this lab were...
- test tubes, stoppers and rack
- scupula
- safety goggle and apron
- sodium chloride
- sucrose
- iodine crystals
- paint thinner
- Glycerin

During the lab we observed that when a polar solution mixes with another polar solution AND a non polar solution mixes with another non polar solution these solutions DISSOLVE!
while having to mix a polar solution with a non polar solution (vice versa) the solutions will NOT dissolve!

Monday 2 April 2012

Intermolecular Bonds!

There are two types of Bonds: INTRAmolecular bonds and INTERmolecular bonds.

Intramolecular: Exist within a molecule such as Ionic and covalent bondings.
Intermolecular: Exist between molecules. There are two types of Intermolecular bonds: Van der Waals bonds and hydrogen bonds.

Van der Waal Bonds:
- This bonding is based on electron distribution.
- Dipole-Dipole bonds: positive is attracted to negative end. Only occurs in polar molecules.

London Dispersion Forces: (LDF)
- LDF is present in all molecules
- These are the weakest bonds
- If a substance is non-polar Dipole-Dipole forces doesn't exist.
- Electrons are free to move around and will randomly grouped on one side of the molecule.
- This creates a temporary dipole and can cause a weak bond to form.
- The more electronegativity in the molecules the stronger the LDF can be.

Hydrogen Bonding:
- If hydrogen is bonded to certain elements (F,O,N) the bond is highly polar
- This forms a very strong inermolecular bond.